Superiorty and Scope Freezing
in Linguistic Inquiry, 2019
author = {Larson, Richard K. and Antonyuk, Svitlana and Liu, Lei},
title = "{Superiority and Scope Freezing}",
journal = {Linguistic Inquiry},
volume = {50},
number = {1},
pages = {233-252},
year = {2019},
month = {01},
abstract = "{David Lebeaux (cited in Larson 1990:603) observes that English double object constructions (DOCs) show “scope freezing” between the two objects. Quantified indirect and direct object arguments must be interpreted in their surface order (1a). Schneider-Zioga (1988) makes a similar observation about quantified arguments in the with-variant of spray-load constructions (1b); they also exhibit scope freezing.As noted in Larson 1990, scope freezing does not involve absolute low scope for the outer quantifier; instead, it involves fixation of the relative scopes of the quantifier-quantifier pair. This is clear in DOCs showing antecedent-contained deletion (ACD) in the outer quantified object.}",
issn = {0024-3892},
doi = {10.1162/ling_a_00300},
url = {\_a\_00300},
eprint = {\_a\_00300.pdf},